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Re: Re: startup file names (was: Ignore_Beep doesn't...)

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 02:02:35 +0100 wrote Klaus Schmid <klaus.schmid@xxxxxx>:

> > > >could we have a more clear naming convention for the startup files?
> Although the mechanism is well documented (install, install.pc, jed.rc,
>, ...),
> as a casual Jed/Slang-scripter I would prefer 'easier' names as well.

As Klaus has a more Windowish view, I'd like to add some rather Linuxish
thougts to it.
> To minimize os differences, It might be a good idea to have an empty
> JED_ROOT/home directory (empty i.e. with only a readme file).
> But see my proposals below...

We still need to consider the differences that are set by the os: E.g. Under
Unix, the normal user has no write access to JED_ROOT and its subdirs.
Furthermore, there are several users: which users home should JED_ROOT/home
become? This is why I propose ~/.jed/ as default JED_HOME on Unix
(as implemented in "Home-lib" on the JMR

> - could be renamed to, to have it better associated with
> jed.exe.

or just (as John proposed) 

> -, jed.conf could be substituted by _one_, to
> associate it
> better to system or system-manager.

For me, "system" is associated with operating system, i.e. stuff I'd not
touch to customize an editor (not even as sysadmin == "root"). How about (as this becomes "free"), or

> - jed.rc, .jedrc could be substituted by _one_  (of course the
> same scheme
> like edtini.edt on vax/vms. Why should it be a hidden file on
> unix/linux...).

Becouse than you don't see it ;-) I really appreciate not to see all the
configuration files in my home directory when I search for a "normal" file.

Also, it fits quite nice in the scheme, as there are: .acrorc .bashrc
.dingrc .dvipsrc .fvwm2rc .kderc .lynxrc .mcoprc .pinerc .shrc .sversionrc
.wmrc .xinitrc .xserverrc .foxrc

> - an empty JED_ROOT/usr could be provided. Users/System-Managers may decide
> to copy their existent/modified Jed_Sys or/and Jed_Ini files into this
> directory.
Again, /usr is not the directory for local stuff in Unix, rather /usr/local.
I have the proposal of JED_ROOT/site-lib for the system-wide library in, JED_ROOT/local might be another idea.

> - a global slang variable Jed_Sys could be provided/predefined -- in any
> case -- before
> Jed_Sys will be tried to load.
> -- by environment variable JED_SYS (or maybe logical on vax/vms)
> -- by lookup of file in JED_ROOT/usr
> -- if nothing succeeds: Jed_Sys= ""
> - a global slang variable Home_Dir could be provided/predefined -- in any
> case -- before
> will be tried to load. Normal means of each os to retrieve the
> home directory (sys$login, home, profiles,...) could be used. If nothing
> succeeds, Home_Dir="". Same applies to other
> user specific stuff which might be supplied by the system (user_name,...)
> - a global slang variable Jed_Ini could be provided/predefined -- in any
> case -- before
> will be tried to load.
> -- by environment variable JED_INI (or maybe logical on vax/vms)
> -- by lookup of file in Home_Dir
> -- by lookup of file in JED_ROOT/usr
> -- if nothing succeeds: Jed_Ini= ""
> - No problem should occur, if either Jed_Sys or Jed_Ini -- or both -- are
> not present.
> I.e. the stuff should be predefined best possible in
> - Jed_Sys and Jed_Ini should be mutually exchangable. Single difference:
> Jed_Sys will be
> tried to be loaded at first and is forseen to supply useful
> stuff/pre-definitions on multi-user systems.
> - and in JED_ROOT/lib should deserve merely as templates
> to be copied and modified to JED_ROOT/usr or any other location with the 
> mechanism described above.

Simple solution for this: the distribution has the templates in JED_ROOT/doc.


Present Standard:

Jed-Variable    Environment-Variable   Default Value

JED_ROOT                    JED_ROOT   (distribution-dependend)
Jed_Home_Directory          JED_HOME   OS-dependend (Unix: ~, Win "")
Default_Jedrc_Startup_File  N/A               jed.rc
                                             %if (JED_HOME!="") JED_HOME/jed.rc,
                                             %else  JED_ROOT/jed.rc

Home-lib extensions:

Jed_Home_Directory  JED_HOME           Unix: ~/.jed, Win ""
                                       % if ~/.jed exists, else ~
Jed_Site_Library    JED_SITE_LIB       JED_ROOT/site-lib
                                           % if it exists, else ""
Jed_Home_Library    N/A                       Jed_Home_Directory/lib 
                                       % if (Jed_Home_Directory != "")

jed_library_path    N/A        Jed_Home_Library,Jed_Site_Library,JED_ROOT/lib

Proposed additions:

Jed_Home_Library    JED_HOME_LIB       Jed_Home_Directory/lib 
                                       % if (Jed_Home_Directory != "")
Jed_Config_File      JED_RC  
Jed_Site_Config_File JED_SITE_RC

Files read in at startup along the jed_library_path:       % basic library   functions always needed  % (or    site-wide configuration file     % (or  user configuration file (suppressed with -n)

  - A user can avoid the reading in of the sysadmins by placing
    an own (maybe empty) version in his/her Jed_Home_Library.
  - If Jed_Home_Library is not set or not existent 
    Jed_Home_Directory/ (and on UNIX Jed_Home_Directory/.jedrc) will
    by tried. 
  - This proposal is a compromise between a systematic namin scheme and
    continuity with the present conventions.
  - Sensible Window-defaults for Jed_Home_Library and Jed_Site_Library need
    to be found.  



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