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gethostbyname () causing irritating delays

(first of all, please Cc replies directly to me - I am supposedly
subscribed to the new mailing list, but I subscribed once before (and
even have the confirmation message) and have received no mails from it
despite mails being in the archive ... that said, I wholly support it
in favor of Yahoo! groups. ;-)

My jed is doing a hostname lookup at startup (and has for several
versions now, I'm not sure how many) that causes irritating delays
when I am on a slow link or temporarily disconnected (temporary
disconnection is a likely time to want to be fixing things fast in
your editor!) from the network.  I think this is happening in
get_hostname () from userinfo.c.  My question is this...  Why are we
doing this now, and should it be default?

I have never run into a case when my editor needed to know my FQDN
that I wasn't able to supply it in some fashion.  ;-)  I propose that
said action of *supplying* the domain name if required is superior to
having my favorite editor hang for a moment while it attempts to
contact a nameserver so I can edit /etc/resolv.conf.  ;-)  (note:
tongue in cheek, other files are equally as important here)

How does the community in general feel about this?  Perhaps if this is
something that some people really want to be able to do there should
be a way to trigger it from slang so they can do it in their .jedrc...

If I've told you once, I've told you once
And once is all that you needed.
		-- The Refreshments, "Carefree"

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