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Hi all,

Attached is a version af in which I inserted the definition of the
keywords to be highlighted into the loop instead of after it. Now the
high-lighting works again.


> start-----------------------<
% -*- mode: slang; mode: fold -*-
%  Free/Fixed format source F90 mode

custom_variable ("F90_Continue_Char", "&");
custom_variable ("F90_Comment_String", "!");
custom_variable ("F90_Indent_Amount", 2);
custom_variable ("F90_Default_Format", "free");   %  or "fixed"

static define get_format_mode ()
   if (blocal_var_exists ("F90_Mode_Format"))
     return get_blocal_var ("F90_Mode_Format");
   return 0;

static define set_format_mode (x)
   x = (strlow(x) == "free");
   create_blocal_var ("F90_Mode_Format");
   set_blocal_var (x, "F90_Mode_Format");

%{{{ Free Format Functions 
static define free_f90_indent () 
   variable goal = 1;		% at top of buffer it should be 1 n'est pas?
   variable cs = CASE_SEARCH;
   variable ch;

   % goto beginning of line and skip past tabs and spaces
	bol ();
	skip_chars (" \t");
	skip_white ();

   push_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   CASE_SEARCH = 0;	% F90 is not case sensitive
   while (up_1 ())
	if (eolp() or looking_at("!") or looking_at("&") or looking_at("#") )
	goal = what_column ();

%	if (goal == 1) continue;

	skip_chars (" \t1234567890");
	if (looking_at("do ") or looking_at("else")
	    or looking_at("function")
	    or looking_at("subroutine")
	    or looking_at("case")
	    or looking_at("interface")
	    or looking_at("recursive")
	    or looking_at("program")
	    or looking_at("where")
	  goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	else if (looking_at("select") )
	  goal += F90_Indent_Amount * 2;
	else if (looking_at("if ") or looking_at("if("))
	     % We want to check for 'then' so take care of continuations
	     push_spot ();
	     while (down_1 ())
		  bol_skip_white ();
		  !if (looking_at (F90_Continue_Char))
		       go_up_1 ();
		       bol ();
	     if (ffind ("then")) goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	     pop_spot ();
	else if (looking_at("type ") or looking_at("module "))
	     if (not (ffind ("::"))) goal += F90_Indent_Amount;

   % now check current line
   pop_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   X_USER_BLOCK0 ();

   if (looking_at("end") )
	if (ffind ("select")) goal -= F90_Indent_Amount * 2;
	  goal -= F90_Indent_Amount;
   else if ( looking_at("continue") or
       looking_at("case") or
       looking_at("else")) goal -= F90_Indent_Amount;

   CASE_SEARCH = cs;		% done getting indent
   if (goal < 1) goal = 1;
   pop_spot ();

   bol_skip_white ();

   % after the label or continuation char and indent the rest to goal
	%skip_chars ("0-9");
	trim ();
	if (looking_at (F90_Continue_Char))
	     go_right_1 (); trim();
	     goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	insert_spaces (goal - what_column());

   ch = char(what_char());
   switch (ch)
	case F90_Continue_Char :	% continuation character
	bol (); trim ();
	not (bolp()) or eolp ():	% general case
	bol (); trim ();
	insert_spaces (goal--, goal);
   pop_spot ();
   skip_white ();

static define free_f90_is_comment ()
   bol ();

static define free_f90_newline ()
   variable p, cont , cont1;

   if (bolp ())
	newline ();

   free_f90_indent ();
   push_spot ();
   bskip_white (); trim ();

   if (what_column () > 72)
	push_spot ();
	!if (bolp()) message ("Line exceeds 72 columns.");
	pop_spot ();

   p = _get_point ();

   cont = (p != _get_point ());
   cont1 = cont;

   if ( cont )
	if ( looking_at( "&" ) )
	     cont1 = 0;

   if (free_f90_is_comment ()) cont = 0;

   bol_skip_white ();
   if (looking_at("data ")) cont = 0;

   pop_spot ();

   if (cont1)
	insert( " " );
   newline ();
   if ( cont )
	insert( " " );
   insert_single_space ();
   free_f90_indent ();


%{{{ Fixed Format Functions 

define fixed_f90_indent ()
   variable goal = 7;		% at top of buffer it should be 7 n'est pas?
   variable cs = CASE_SEARCH;
   variable ch;

   % goto beginning of line and skip past continuation char
	bol ();
	skip_chars ("0-9 \t");
	if (looking_at(F90_Continue_Char)) go_right_1 ();
	skip_white ();

   push_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   CASE_SEARCH = 0;	% F90 is not case sensitive
   while (up_1 ())
	if (eolp() or looking_at(F90_Continue_Char)) continue;
	goal = what_column ();

	if (goal == 1) continue;

	if (looking_at("do ") or looking_at("else")
	    or looking_at("subroutine")
	    or looking_at("interface")
	    or looking_at("program")
	  goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	else if (looking_at("if ") or looking_at("if("))
	     if (ffind ("then")) goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	else if (looking_at("type ") or looking_at("module "))
	     if (not (ffind ("::"))) goal += F90_Indent_Amount;

   % now check current line
   pop_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   X_USER_BLOCK0 ();

   if (looking_at("end") or
       looking_at("continue") or
       looking_at("else")) goal -= F90_Indent_Amount;

   CASE_SEARCH = cs;		% done getting indent
   if (goal < 7) goal = 7;
   pop_spot ();

   bol_skip_white ();

   % after the label or continuation char and indent the rest to goal
	skip_chars ("0-9");
	trim ();
	if (looking_at (F90_Continue_Char))
	     insert_spaces (6 - what_column());
	     go_right_1 (); trim();
	     goal += F90_Indent_Amount;
	insert_spaces (goal - what_column());

   ch = char(what_char());
   switch (ch)
	isdigit (ch) :		% label

	if (what_column () >= 6)
	     bol (); trim ();
	     insert_single_space ();
	case F90_Continue_Char :	% continuation character
	bol (); trim (); insert ("     ");
	not (bolp()) or eolp ():	% general case
	bol (); trim ();
	insert_spaces (goal--, goal);
   pop_spot ();
   skip_white ();

define fixed_f90_is_comment ()
   bol ();
   skip_chars (" \t0-9");
   bolp () and not (eolp());

define fixed_f90_newline ()
   variable p, cont;

   if (bolp ())
	newline ();

   fixed_f90_indent ();
   push_spot ();
   bskip_white (); trim ();

   if (what_column () > 72)
	push_spot ();
	!if (bolp()) message ("Line exceeds 72 columns.");
	pop_spot ();

   p = _get_point ();

   cont = (p != _get_point ());

   if (fixed_f90_is_comment ()) cont = 0;

   bol_skip_white ();
   if (looking_at("data ")) cont = 0;

   pop_spot ();

   newline ();
   insert_single_space ();
   if (cont) insert(F90_Continue_Char);
   fixed_f90_indent ();


static define dispatch_f90_function (free, fixed)
   if (get_format_mode ())
	(@free) ();
   (@fixed) ();

define f90_indent ()
   dispatch_f90_function (&free_f90_indent, &fixed_f90_indent);

define f90_is_comment ()
   dispatch_f90_function (&free_f90_is_comment, &fixed_f90_is_comment);

define f90_newline ()
   dispatch_f90_function (&free_f90_newline, &fixed_f90_newline);

define f90_continue_newline ()
   f90_newline ();

   push_spot ();
   bol_skip_white ();
   if (looking_at(F90_Continue_Char)) pop_spot ();
	insert (F90_Continue_Char);
	pop_spot ();
	f90_indent ();
	go_right_1 ();
	skip_white ();

%   electric labels
define f90_electric_label ()
   insert_char (LAST_CHAR);

   if (get_format_mode ())
     return;			       %  free-format

   push_spot ();

   if (f90_is_comment ()) pop_spot ();
	bol_skip_white ();
	skip_chars ("0-9"); trim ();
	pop_spot ();
	f90_indent ();

% f90 comment/uncomment functions

define f90_uncomment ()
   push_spot ();
   if (f90_is_comment ())
	bol ();
	if (looking_at (F90_Comment_String))
	  deln (strlen (F90_Comment_String));
	else del ();

   f90_indent ();
   pop_spot ();
   go_down_1 ();

define f90_comment ()
   !if (f90_is_comment ())
	push_spot ();
	bol ();
	insert (F90_Comment_String);
   pop_spot ();
   go_down_1 ();

% Look for beginning of current subroutine/function
define f90_beg_of_subprogram ()
   variable cs = CASE_SEARCH;

	bol_skip_white ();
	if (_get_point ())
	     if (looking_at ("program")
		 or looking_at ("function")
		 or looking_at ("subroutine")) break;
   while (up_1 ());
   CASE_SEARCH = cs;

% Look for end of current subroutine/function
define f90_end_of_subprogram ()
   variable cs = CASE_SEARCH;

	bol_skip_white ();
	if (looking_at ("end"))
	     go_right (3);
	     skip_white ();
	     if (eolp ()) break;
   while (down_1 ());
   CASE_SEARCH = cs;

define f90_mark_subprogram ()
   f90_end_of_subprogram ();
   go_down_1 ();
   push_mark (); call ("set_mark_cmd");
   f90_beg_of_subprogram ();
   bol ();

% shows a ruler for F90 source. Press any key to get rid of
define f90_ruler ()
   variable c = what_column ();
   variable r = window_line ();

   bol ();
   push_mark ();
   insert ("    5 7 10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45   50   55   60   65   70\n");
   insert ("{    }|{ |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | }\n");

   goto_column (c);
   if (r <= 2) r = 3;
   recenter (r);
   message ("Press SPACE to get rid of the ruler.");
   update_sans_update_hook (1);
   () = getkey ();
   bol ();
   del_region ();
   goto_column (c);
   flush_input ();
   recenter (r);

static define f90_prev_next_statement (dirfun)
   while (@dirfun ())
	bol ();
	skip_chars ("^0-9 \t");
	!if (_get_point ()) break;
   variable col = 7;
   if (get_format_mode ())
     col = 1;

     () = goto_column_best_try (col);
% moves cursor to the next statement, skipping comment lines
define f90_next_statement ()
   f90_prev_next_statement (&down_1);

% moves cursor to the previous f90 statement, skipping comments
define f90_previous_statement ()
   f90_prev_next_statement (&up_1);

% main entry point into the f90 mode

$1 = "F90";
!if (keymap_p ($1)) make_keymap ($1);

definekey ("f90_comment",		"\e;",	$1);
definekey ("f90_uncomment",		"\e:",	$1);
definekey ("f90_continue_newline",	"\e\r",	$1);
definekey ("self_insert_cmd",		"'",	$1);
definekey ("self_insert_cmd",		"\"",	$1);
definekey ("f90_beg_of_subprogram",	"\e^A",	$1);
definekey ("f90_end_of_subprogram",	"\e^E",	$1);
definekey ("f90_mark_function",		"\e^H", $1);

definekey_reserved ("f90_next_statement",	"^N",	$1);
definekey_reserved ("f90_previous_statement",	"^P",	$1);
definekey_reserved ("f90_ruler",		"^R", $1);

_for (0, 9, 1)
   $2 = ();
   definekey ("f90_electric_label", string($2), $1);

% Set up syntax table
foreach (["F90_free", "F90_fixed"])
   $1 = ();
   create_syntax_table ($1);
   define_syntax ("!", "", '%', $1);
   define_syntax ("([", ")]", '(', $1);
   define_syntax ('"', '"', $1);
   define_syntax ('\'', '\'', $1);
   % define_syntax ('\\', '\\', $1);
   define_syntax ("0-9a-zA-Z_", 'w', $1);        % words
   define_syntax ("-+0-9eEdD", '0', $1);   % Numbers
   define_syntax (",.", ',', $1);
   define_syntax ('#', '#', $1);
   define_syntax ("-+/*=", '+', $1);

% F77 keywords + include, record, structure, while:
% backspace block
% call character common complex continue
% data dimension do double
% else end enddo endfile endif entry equivalence exit external
% format function
% goto
% if implicit include inquire integer intrinsic
% logical
% parameter pause precision program
% real return rewind
% save stop subroutine
% then
% while
% Extensions for Fortran 90:
% allocatable
% allocate
% case
% contains
% cycle
% deallocate
% elsewhere
% endblockdata
% endfunction
% endinterface
% endmodule
% endprogram
% endselect
% endsubroutine
% endtype
% endwhere
% intent
% interface
% kind
% module
% moduleprocedure
% namelist
% nullify
% optional
% pointer
% private
% public
% recursive
% select
% selectcase
% sequence
% target
% type
% use
% where
() = define_keywords ($1, "dogoifto", 2);
() = define_keywords ($1, "enduse", 3);
() = define_keywords ($1, "callcasedataelseexitgotokindopenreadrealsavestopthentype", 4);
() = define_keywords ($1, "blockclosecycleenddoendifentrypauseprintwherewhilewrite", 5);
() = define_keywords ($1, "commondoubleformatintentmodulepublicrecordreturnrewindselecttarget", 6);
() = define_keywords ($1, "complexendfileendtypeincludeinquireintegerlogicalnullifypointerprivateprogram", 7);
() = define_keywords ($1, "allocatecontainscontinueendwhereexternalfunctionimplicitnamelistoptionalsequence", 8);
() = define_keywords ($1, "backspacecharacterdimensionelsewhereendmoduleendselectinterfaceintrinsicparameterprecisionrecursivestructure", 9);
() = define_keywords ($1, "deallocateendprogramselectcasesubroutine", 10);
() = define_keywords ($1, "allocatableendfunctionequivalence", 11);
() = define_keywords ($1, "endblockdataendinterface", 12);
() = define_keywords ($1, "endsubroutine", 13);
() = define_keywords ($1, "moduleprocedure", 15);

() = define_keywords_n ($1, "eqgegtleltneor", 2, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "absallandanycosdimexpintiorlenlgelgtllelltlogmaxminmodnotsinsumtan", 3, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "acosaintasinatancharcoshdblehugeiandieorkindnintpackrealscansignsinhsizesqrttanhtinytrimtrue", 4, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "aimaganintatan2btestcmplxconjgcountdprodfalseflooribclribitsibseticharindexishftlog10mergeradixrangescaleshape", 5, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "cshiftdigitsiacharishftclboundmatmulmaxlocmaxvalminlocminvalmodulomvbitsrepeatspreaduboundunpackverify", 6, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "adjustladjustrceilingeoshiftepsilonlogicalnearestpresentproductreshapespacing", 7, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "bit_sizeexponentfractionlen_trimtransfer", 8, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "allocatedprecisionrrspacingtranspose", 9, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "associated", 10, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "dot_productmaxexponentminexponentrandom_seed", 11, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "set_exponentsystem_clock", 12, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "date_and_timerandom_number", 13, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "selected_int_kind", 17, 1);
() = define_keywords_n ($1, "selected_real_kind", 18, 1);
set_syntax_flags ("F90_free", 1);
set_syntax_flags ("F90_fixed", 1|2);
set_fortran_comment_chars ("F90_fixed", "^0-9 \t\n");

static define setup_f90_mode (format)
   variable mode = "F90";
   set_mode (sprintf ("%s-%s", mode, format), 0x4 | 0x10);
   use_keymap (mode);
   set_buffer_hook ("indent_hook", "f90_indent");
   set_buffer_hook ("newline_indent_hook", "f90_newline");

   set_format_mode (format);

   use_syntax_table (strcat ("F90_", format));

public define f90_free_format_mode ()
   setup_f90_mode ("free");
   run_mode_hooks ("f90_free_format_mode_hook");

public define f90_fixed_format_mode ()
   setup_f90_mode ("fixed");
   run_mode_hooks ("f90_fixed_format_mode_hook");

% Mode designed for the purpose of editing F90 files.
% After the mode is loaded, the hook 'f90_hook' is called.
% Useful functions include:
%  Function:                    Default Binding:
%   f90_continue_newline          ESC RETURN
%     indents current line, and creates a continuation line on next line.
%   f90_comment                   ESC ;
%     comments out current line
%   f90_uncomment                 ESC :
%     uncomments current line
%   f90_electric_label            0-9
%     Generates a label for current line or simply inserts a digit.
%   f90_next_statement            ^C^N
%     moves to next f90 statementm skips comment lines
%   f90_previous_statement        ^C^P
%     moves to previous f90 statement, skips comment lines
%   f90_ruler                     ^C^R
%     inserts a ruler above the current line. Press any key to continue
%   f90_beg_of_subprogram         ESC ^A
%     moves cursor to beginning of current subroutine/function
%   f90_end_of_subprogram         ESC ^E
%     moves cursor to end of current subroutine/function
%   f90_mark_subprogram           ESC ^H
%     mark the current subroutine/function
% Variables include:
%   F90_Continue_Char   --- character used as a continuation character.
%     By default, its value is ">"
%   F90_Comment_String  --- string used by 'f90_comment' to
%     comment out a line.  The default string is "C ";
%   F90_Indent_Amount   --- number of spaces to indent statements in
%                               a block.  The default is 2.
%   F90_Default_Format --- Either "fixed" or "free".
public define f90_mode ()
   setup_f90_mode (strlow (F90_Default_Format));
   run_mode_hooks ("f90_mode_hook");

provide ("f90");
> end-----------------------<

Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM          tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Rotterdamseweg 137                       tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 AL Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2782272                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd


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