On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 09:46:07AM -0700, Steve Corwin wrote:
Günter Milde wrote:
I think, that by replacing the hard-coded strings in brief.sl with the
appropriate Key_* variables from keydefs.sl, much can be won and it should
run smoothly with xjed on a IPMPC (say with Linux).
- setkey ("brief_home", "\xE0G"); % Home
- setkey ("brief_home", "Ow"); % Home
+ requires("keydefs");
+ setkey ("brief_home", Key_Home);
Thanks for the suggestions, Günter. Let's see...
- I don't have keydefs.sl, but I have /usr/share/jed/lib/keydefs.slc (I
installed the jed debian package).
You can install the jed-sl package to get the library sources.
- "requires ("keydefs")" caused "S-Lang Error: Undefined Name: requires
is undefined" so I changed to "require ("keydefs");", which got rid of
the error.
My fault, sorry and thanks for the hint.
- with those changes Home and End keys work correctly in xjed but not in
This is probabely a problem with the terminal.
Diagnose steps:
- do you use jed on xterm, rxvt, ... or the Console?
- what is the value of the TERMINAL environment variable?
- what keystrings do you get with M-x quoted_insert Home/End)?
- how do these differ from the Key_Home/Key_End variable?
- Do Home/End keys work in other modes?
- F5 doesn't work in either.
Well, I suppose there are even more. I just gave an example which is by far
not complete...
- This technique seems promising, so I just grabbed the regular jed
distribution and had a look in keydefs.sl. I don't see anything that
would distinguish the plus sign on the numeric keypad from the plus sign
on the equals key (U.S. keyboard layout). Does anybody know if jed can
map those two keys differently?
The problem is not within jed but the terminal program (or X). Jed uses only
the keystring sent and thus cannot distinguish + and KP-+ if both of them
send "+".
Once the new xjed version extends x_set_keysym for keysyms outside the
range of `0xFF00' to `0xFFFF', the problem can be solved at least for xjed.
There should be no problem under (Win)DOS.