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Re: [: JMR problem]

There was a disk failure at sourceforge and the JMR had to be restored from
backup copies. File ownership was changed to "dummy.jedmodes". I could solve
this, but the above problem remains.
Günter, I think this could be a nice opportunity to redesign the JMR site - better, to rebuild it from scratch. I am very grateful to Francesc who opened the site and to all contributors, but to be sincere I find that JMR looks ugly and is badly organised.

I am the last person on this planet to teach others about Web page writing, but the poor overall impression of Jedmodes kept me from contributing my own stuff.

Doesn't anybody have the time to maintain Jedmodes? I'm very busy with my family, my job, and my pet project ( - yes, that's not a masterpiece either :-)

If I were to redesign JMR, I would simply take the Jed home page as a template. I'd remove all that PHP code and just keep a (bullet | numbered) list of S-Lang files. Or whatever.

Any volunteers?

       Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. <guido . gonzato at univr . it> - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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