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Replacing certain characters

I'm editing SGML docs and would like to replace certain letters (Bulgarian "ia") automatically. I'm pasting some ready configs for vim and emacs that do this. Vim:
if !exists("format_fdp_sgml")
let format_fdp_sgml = 1
" correction for highlighting special characters
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.sgml,*.ent,*.html syn match sgmlSpecial "&[^;]*;"
" formatting FreeBSD SGML/Docbook
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.sgml,*.ent set autoindent formatoptions=tcq2l textwidth=76 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=8
" fix the lowercase 'ja'
autocmd BufEnter *.sgml,*.ent map! я я
endif Emacs:
defvar fdp-sgml-want-special-ya nil
"If you want to remap \"я\" to я set this to 't'.")
(if fdp-sgml-want-special-ya
(global-set-key "я" "я"))
(defun fdp-sgml-toggle-special-ya()
"Toggle the input conversion of \"я\" to я."
(setq fdp-sgml-want-special-ya (not fdp-sgml-want-special-ya))
(message (concat "fdp-sgml-want-special-ya is " (cond (fdp-sgml-want-special-ya "true.") (t "false."))))
(cond (fdp-sgml-want-special-ya (global-set-key "я" "я"))
(t (global-unset-key "я"))))
;; toggle state with F12
(define-key global-map [f12]
(lambda () (interactive)
(fdp-sgml-toggle-special-ya))) How can I do this in jed? I tried turning on emacs emulation in my .jedrc and after that pasting the emacs config - didn't work well. Other approaches I have thought of are variables, replace_fsearch(), replace_match(). Unfortunately I'm not good at setting editor configs and would be grateful if someone can point me how to adapt these configs for jed.
Thank you in advance,
Dimitar Vassilev

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