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Re: colors

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 12:27:03AM +0000, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:
> Hi, I have lately been doing some javascript programming and found a
> file somewhere on the net. I set it up and voila I got
> indentation and color highlighting.
> But one thing bothered me alot, some words were painted black on a
> black background so I couldnt see them.
> So my question is, how do I change the color for those words?
> The file is
> and the culprits are the ones in this segment called Keywords:
> objects, they are defined by lines like
> () = define_keywords_n($0, "sun", 3, 2);
> I guess that the last number is something to take note of since that
> is the only thing that is different between a "well functioning"
> definition like 
> () = define_keywords_n($0, "NaNintnew", 3, 1);
> and the "black on black" definition but I just dont know how I tell
> jed what color scheme to use fo those keyword definitions.
> Thanks for any help and for a great software (but could do with a bit
> more of documentation like it says on the homepage :-) well, at least
> I dont understand the existing documentation).

Ólafur -

Did you try other color schemes?  You can select the color scheme
in either of two ways:

- Using menu: Windows --> Color schemes.

- And in your .jedrc.  See the sample jed.rc for an example.  Or
  use something like the following:

      set_color_scheme ("blue2");

Look in jed/lib/colors to see how color schemes are defined.  You
will also be able to customize an existing color scheme or copy
and existing one and customize your own.


Dave Kuhlman

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