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Re: Autowrap and old questions

Dave Laird wrote:
Good evening...

On Friday 06 January 2006 08:51 pm, you wrote:

is jed capable of wrapping text without actually touching the file (ie:
inserting a \n)? Most editors (vi for example) show the text that gets
past the last column below the current line, but this doesn't modify the
text, it is just a visualization.

Also, (independently of having this kind of autowrap, or the autowrap
that jed seems to have) is there a way to make the last column number
(where text should wrap) be detected automatically? It is kinda annoying
to have to specify a number manually, which will be invalidated if I
resize the terminal (something like gettin the env var "$COLUMNS").

Here is a text file typed into Jed as it appears using cat showing the
line ends:

This is a test of Jed's word-wrapping, since it is a reasonable question$
of how Jed wraps the line. These lines are being wrapped at approximately$
76 characters, and saving the file as text. $

Note the $ signs which apparently denote the end of the lines, but not a
true LF/CR, which is the \n, I believe. However, I could be wrong.

BTW: i sent another email some weeks ago, regarding the minibuffer
coloring and I saw no reply. I don't intend a reply for every probably
annoying mail I send, but it would be good to know if it is possible or
not what I described there.

I didn't see it. Could you please send it again? I'll try and answer your
question if I can.

thanks for the response
First, the old email:

the only thing about I never felt 100% confortable is the minibuffer position. I would really like to have just as my window, all buffer but the last line, as a status line. The minibuffer (is that its name? I mean that place where messages/errors appear) would appear just when needed or at least be on top of the status line. I realize that this must imply some heavy changes in jed's code, so I would like to know if I could just make the minibuffer have a completely colored background. AFAIK, the background is taken from the background color of the "normal" section (having that set to "default" color, and the status line with background "white", makes it look like the status line is one line above from where it should be).
Is there a way to make status line and minibuffer swap places?
Is there a way to make the minibuffer have a completely colored background (by completely I mean, not just the background of the text displayed, but the whole line)."

I think that the text you pasted is an example of what I was trying to avoid. If cat shows the lines wrapped, it means that the text was modified. What I'm going for is something that will show the lines as wrapped inside jed but won't changed the file in any way to do it (ie: opening jed, typing a really long line (where jed would break the line to fit it to the screen), saving and cat'ing the file would show the really long line with no breaks.


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