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_jed_set_mode_hooks not called by compression mode


I've created a hook for _jed_set_mode_hooks.

private define mode_selection(ext)
    variable tmp = buffer_filename();
    if (orelse {is_substr(tmp, "/changelog.Debian")}
               {andelse {strlen(tmp) > 17}
                        {strcmp(tmp[[-17:]], "/debian/changelog") == 0}
                } )
        return 1;
add_to_hook("_jed_set_mode_hooks", &mode_selection);

I've set auto_compression_mode(1). If I open a file
/usr/share/jed/changelog.Debian.gz the function above does not get
called. So the default text_mode() gets called.

% xjed -batch $d/jed-common/changelog.Debian.gz
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/menus.slc
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/
loading /etc/jed.d/
loading /etc/jed.d/
loading /usr/share/jed/jed-extra/
loading /etc/jed.d/
loading /home/joerg/.jed/jed.rc
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/keydefs.slc
loading /home/joerg/.jed/
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/compress.slc
loading /usr/share/jed/lib/abbrev.slc
Reading /usr/share/doc//jed-common/changelog.Debian.gz
loading /home/joerg/.jed/
Traceback: error
/home/joerg/.jed/ Error
/usr/share/jed/lib/ Error
  Local variables for mode_hook:
        String_Type ext = "Debian"
        Integer_Type n = 0
        String_Type mode = "debian_mode"
/usr/share/jed/lib/compress.slc:107:compressed_set_mode_hook:Run-Time Error
  Local variables for compressed_set_mode_hook:
        String_Type compressed_set_mode_hook = "gz"
        Integer_Type compressed_set_mode_hook = 0
        String_Type compressed_set_mode_hook = "changelog.Debian"
Error encountered while executing compressed_set_mode_hook
Traceback: find_file
/usr/share/jed/lib/ Error
  Local variables for command_line_hook:
        Integer_Type n = 0
        Integer_Type i = 3
        String_Type file = "/usr/share/doc//jed-common/changelog.Debian.gz"
        Integer_Type depth = 0
        Undefined_Type next_file = Undefined_Type
        String_Type tmp = "sr/share/doc//jed_common/changelog.Debian.gz"
        String_Type init_file = "/home/joerg/.jed/jed.rc"
        Undefined_Type next_file_arg = Undefined_Type
Error encountered while executing command_line_hook

The patch below is more like a quick hack, because I did not have any
idea how to solve it otherwise. But it works :-)

---     (Revision 23)
+++     (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1842,9 +1842,15 @@
 % for the buffer. This function takes one parameter, the filename extension
 % and returns nothing.
+private variable in_mode_hook = 0;
 define mode_hook (ext)
+    if (in_mode_hook)
+      return;
+    in_mode_hook = 1;
+    try
+    {
    variable n, mode;
 #ifdef VMS
    ext = extract_element(ext, 0, ';');
@@ -1887,6 +1893,10 @@
+   _jed_run_hooks("_jed_set_mode_hooks", JED_HOOKS_RUN_UNTIL_0, [ext]);
+    if (get_mode_name() != "")
+      return;
    !if (strncmp (strup (extract_filename (buffer_filename ())), "READ", 4))
        text_mode ();
@@ -1894,6 +1904,9 @@
    @Default_Mode ();
+    } finally {
+        in_mode_hook = 0;
+    }

Bye, Jörg.
"...anytime you install something new on the Windows platform, you risk
spending the next five or six hours trying to figure out what happened"
         -- Robert Roblin, Adobe

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