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remove Jed_Doc_Files (was: Re: [Pkg-jed-commit] r256 - trunk/packages/jed/debian)

Hello G.,

G. Milde schrieb am Thu 13. Apr, 09:28 (+0200):
> Dear Jed users,
> Jörg and I were discussing

Where should this e-mail go? It was a private mail. I send it to the jed
mailing list.

> abadoning Jed_Doc_Files in favour of add_doc_file() in
> (and in all of Jed).
> On 12.04.06, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> > > ... after learning more about the internals of Jed and Slang, I found
> > > out that the doc-filename appended to the help text in
> > > help_get_doc_string() can give hints on whether a function is defined
> > > in the SLang library or in Jed.
> > Right. This is the only thing I use this information for. 
> [However, get_doc_string_from_file() with only the topic argument looks
> in all files of the list set with add_doc_file() or set_doc_files()
> without revealing the file name of the hit.]
> > > * As the use of the filename is rather restricted I would remove it
> > >   from the help output in order to use the internal file list
> > >   directly with get_doc_string_from_file().
> > 
> > Good choise.
> ...
> > But maybe it is possible to gather this information anyhow else.
> I do not know of an alternative. John?
> > > * Mostly, I do not need to know the path of the text-form-doc-source but
> > >   the actual definition. This is easy to get (for library functions) with
> > >   grep_definition(). (How about extending grep_definition to internal and
> > >   intrinsic functions?)
> > 
> > How this should work? 
> Custom variables, e.g. Help_Jed_Source_Dir and Help_Slang_Source_Dir,
> would point to the root dir of the sources. (the default would be "", as
> there is no "canonical" place (/usr/src/???) and I suppose the majority
> of Jed users doesnot keep sources).

I think we talk about two different things. I don't see a way to query
the SLang interface for informations about a function or variable, if it
is a intrinsic or an internal object.

> > What should grep_definition find for an intrinsic function?
> The function name.
> Actually, this could be a two-step approach:
>  grep("_jed_run_hooks", Help_Jed_Source_Dir);
> will return 
>  /usr/src/jed/src/hooks.c:407:   MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("_jed_run_hooks", run_hooks_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE),

Ahh. We talk about different things.

> which would be parsed and presented togehter with a binding to
>  grep("run_hooks_cmd[ \t]*(", Help_Jed_Source_Dir);
> for grepping the definition.

Have a nice weekend, Jörg.
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