G. Milde wrote:
On 10.05.06, Marko Mahnic wrote:define autoload_file() % macro, macro ..., file { variable file = (); loop(_NARGS - 1) autoload ( (), file); }This would make life easier. However, including in site.sl is Johns decision. I could consider sl_utils.sl (which actually is a collection of functions I would like to see in site.sl).Just for clearity I would propose the name autoload_from_file() or even autoloads_from_file() or simpler autoloads()This function would also make ini.sl a bit simpler. However, I do not like to make ini.sl depend on a non-standard function, this is why I use _autoload() there. Günter
sl_utils seems a good place. autoloads() seems a better choice for the name since autoload_from_file might imply that it is possible to autoload from something other than a file. Since the function is very short, you could define it as private in every ini.sl. Or you could do this: % csvutils.sl "buffer_compress"; "spaces2tab"; "format_table"; "goto_max_column"; "format_table_rect"; loop(5) autoload( (), "M:\\jed\\libjmr\\csvutils.sl"); I think this version pops a value from stack, then pushes two values to the stack, so it is slower than _autoload(5). To speed things up you can rewrite it as loop(5) { "M:\\jed\\libjmr\\csvutils.sl"; autoload(); } This should work better since it pushes the same number of values as _autoload(5). It is still slower because of many calls to autoload(). So the improved utility function for sl_utils.sl or site.sl is public define autoloads() % macro, macro ..., file { variable file = (); loop(_NARGS - 1) { file; autoload(); } } (Maybe in a future version of SLang autoload will work like autoloads ...) Marko -------------------------- To unsubscribe send email to <jed-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx> with the word "unsubscribe" in the message body. Need help? Email <jed-users-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx>.