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Re: patch

Hello John,

"John E. Davis" <davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jörg Sommer <joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>    if (looking_at("return") or
>>>        looking_at("raise")  or
>>>        looking_at("break")  or
>>>        looking_at("pass")  or
>>>        looking_at("continue"))
>>Add a space, look for "return ". But can return have a bracket? The you
>>need something like:
> I would try using
>    if ((re_looking_at ("return[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")
>         or re_looking_at("raise[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")

Is the regexp engine really so fast? I ever thought it is better to avoid
it in critical parts of the code.

Regards, Jörg.
Ein Optimist ist in der Regel ein Zeitgenosse, der ungenuegend informiert ist.
                                                           (John B. Priestley)

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