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Re: Looking for C/C++ (and S-Lang) programmers for testing

Olesen, Mark <Mark.Olesen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>For some background: I've recently started working with C/C++ on a
>particular project ( and found that the JED c-mode kept
>getting in the way of the coding standards for the project. The style is a
>slight variation of BSD style, which looked horrible with the default
>parenthesis indentation semantics. In adjusting the c-mode code, I also
>streamlined it a bit and add comments (so I could understand what it is

I was unable to find any coding standard document for the OpenFoam
project.  So I downloaded the code to see the style for myself.  There
I managed to get a feeling for the style as reflected by such code
fragments as these:

      + iRadius
      * (
          + tangentialInjectionVector2_*sin(iAngle)

    scalar tauStrip =
        Cs_ * p.d()
      * sqrt
            fuels.rho(pressure, p.T(), p.X())
          / rhoAverage
      / mag(p.Urel(vel));

I have not had any luck properly indenting the above code using either
your version of or mine.  In fact, I spent more time trying
to make the code work than it took for me to write a specialized
"foam_mode" that seems to work pretty well.  The file implementing
this mode is attached below.  However, it requires the latest version
of my, which is in jed's svn repository (0.99.19-38).

Also, in the process of playing with, I fixed some
indentation bugs that have been around for a long time.  These include
the indentation of arrays and lists. multiline macros, and the
stairstepping of continuation lines.

Thanks, --John

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
require ("cmode");

private variable Foam_Indent = 4;
private define goto_effective_eol ()
   eol ();
   if (-2 == parse_to_point ())
	% Skip past comment */
	while (bfind("//") and (parse_to_point () != 0))
   bskip_white ();

private define looking_at_char_in_list (list, solitary)
   if (0 == length (where (what_char() == list)))
     return 0;

   if (solitary == 0)
     return 1;

   push_spot ();
   go_right (1);
   skip_white ();
   variable ret = (eolp () or looking_at ("//"));
   pop_spot ();
   return ret;

private define looking_at_string_in_list (list)
   variable str;
   foreach str (list)
	if (looking_at (str))
	  return str;
   return NULL;

private define foam_indent_line ()
   variable indent_chars = ['(','{','<', ':'];
   variable outdent_chars = [')','}','>'];
   variable outdent_ops = ["&&", "||", "+ ", "- ", "* ", "/ "];
   variable indent_ops = ["<<", ">>"];

   push_spot ();
	goto_spot ();
	bskip_white ();
	if (bolp (), pop_spot ())
	  bol_skip_white ();

   if (0 == up_1 ())
	bol_trim ();
   bskip_chars (" \t\n\f");

   variable is_continuation = 0;
   variable is_eos = 0;
   goto_effective_eol ();

   % See if the previous line ends in a semi-colon(eos) or continues
   % to the next line.
   if (parse_to_point () == 0)
	bskip_white ();
	if (blooking_at ("="))
	  is_continuation = 1;
	else if (blooking_at (";"))
	  is_eos = 1;

   bol_skip_white ();
   if (eolp ())
     bskip_chars (" \t\n\f");
   bol_skip_white ();
   if (eolp ())

   variable indent = what_column ();

   variable op;
   if (op = looking_at_string_in_list (outdent_ops), op != NULL)
	go_right (strlen (op));
	skip_white ();
	indent = what_column ();
	% if this is a continuation line with a trailing semicolon, outdent
	if (is_eos)
	  indent -= Foam_Indent;
   else if (op = looking_at_string_in_list (indent_ops), op != NULL)
	indent -= Foam_Indent;

   if (looking_at_char_in_list (indent_chars, 1))
     indent += Foam_Indent;

   goto_spot ();
   % Back to line we are trying to indent
   bol_skip_white ();
   if (looking_at_char_in_list (outdent_chars, 0))
     indent -= Foam_Indent;
   else if (looking_at_char_in_list (indent_chars, 1))
     is_continuation = 0;
   else if (op = looking_at_string_in_list (outdent_ops), op != NULL)
     indent -= 1 + strlen (strtrim (op));
   else if (op = looking_at_string_in_list (indent_ops), op != NULL)
     indent += Foam_Indent;

   if (is_continuation)
     indent += Foam_Indent;

   if (indent <= 0)
     indent = 0;

   bol_skip_white ();
   if (what_column () != indent)
	bol_trim ();
	whitespace (indent-1);
$1 = "Foam";
!if (keymap_p ($1))
   copy_keymap ($1, "C");
   definekey ("foam_insert_bra", "{", $1);
   definekey ("foam_insert_ket", "}", $1);

define foam_mode ()
   c_mode ();
   TAB = 0;
   set_mode ("Foam", 2);
   set_buffer_hook ("indent_hook", &foam_indent_line);
   %set_buffer_hook ("newline_indent_hook", &foam_newline_and_indent);
   run_mode_hooks ("foam_mode_hook");

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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