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after_key_hook not run by do_key()


why is the before_key_hook but not the after_key_hook run by
keymap.c:do_key()? I would propose the following patch for,
but it does not work as I expected it.

Index: ../svn/jed-upstream/lib/
--- ../svn/jed-upstream/lib/	(Revision 49)
+++ ../svn/jed-upstream/lib/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -51,8 +51,44 @@
+private variable old_line, completion;
+private define reg_after_key_hook()
+    variable oldbuf = whatbuf();
+    setbuf("*traceback*");
+    insert("reg_after_key_hook: -$oldbuf-\n"$);
+    setbuf(oldbuf);
+    if (whatbuf() != " <mini>")
+      return;
+    variable line = line_as_string();
+    if (line != old_line)
+    {
+        variable match = array_map(Integer_Type,
+                                   &strncmp(), completion, line, strlen(line));
+        match = match != 0;
+        if (sum(match) == 1)
+        {
+            delete_line();
+            insert( completion[wherefirst(match)] );
+            mini_exit_minibuffer();
+        }
+    }
 public define reg_insert_register ()
+    variable oldbuf = whatbuf();
+    setbuf("*traceback*");
+    insert("reg_insert_register: hook registered\n");
+    setbuf(oldbuf);
+    add_to_hook("_jed_after_key_hooks", &reg_after_key_hook());
+    old_line = "";
+    completion = assoc_get_keys (Register_Buffer_Arrays);
+    try
+    {
    variable name = get_register_name ();
    if (name == NULL)
@@ -66,6 +102,12 @@
    insert (Register_Buffer_Arrays[name]);
    vmessage ("Register '%s' inserted.", name);
+    catch UserBreakError;
+    finally
+    {
+        remove_from_hook("_jed_after_key_hooks", &reg_after_key_hook());
+    }
 private variable Reg_Mark;
 private variable Reg_Cline = color_number ("menu_selection");

Bye, Jörg.
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