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Re: [Jed-users-l] "chat mode"?

Ulli Horlacher <framstag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The write and read fifos are asynchronous: not every output generates an
> input line or vice veras.
> I have looked at, but this is not what I want.
> Any hints or example code?

You might want to look at slang/slsh/lib/, which implements
a sockets based interface form communicating with the slang debugger
sldb.  I use this for debugging jed's slang code as follows:

   # jed -hook debug /path/to/

The `debug` function is defined below.  Another function called `_line`
is also defined.  I use it to print the current line that is being
edited, e.g.,

   (sldb) p _line

I hope this helps.  Thanks, --John

autoload ("sldb", "sldbsock");
define _line ()
   variable beg, end;
   push_spot ();
   push_mark ();
   bol ();
   beg = bufsubstr ();
   pop_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   push_mark ();
   eol ();
   end = bufsubstr ();
   pop_spot ();

   return strcat (beg, "^", end);

define debug (files)
   if (NULL != getenv ("DISPLAY"))
	% Here setsid is used to run xterm in a different session.
	variable pgm = path_concat (_slang_install_prefix, "share/slsh/scripts/sldb");
	pgm = sprintf ("(sleep 1; setsid xterm -e '%s' --pid %d) &", pgm, getpid ());
	() = system (pgm);
   sldb (files[0]);
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