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[Jed-users-l] jed in xterm

Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit, jed (not xjed) is running in xterm.

Keystrings as effectively received by jed:

!     plain  shift     alt       shift     ctrl      shift
!                                -alt                -ctrl

F1    ^[OP   ^[O1;2P   ^[O1;3P   ^[O1;4P   ^[O1;5P   ^[O1;6P

F2    ^[OQ   ^[O1;2Q   ^[O1;3Q   ^[O1;4Q   ^[O1;5Q   ^[O1;6Q

F3    ^[OR   ^[O1;2R   ^[O1;3R   ^[O1;4R   ^[O1;5R   ^[O1;6R

F4    ^[OS   ^[O1;2S   ^[O1;3S   ^[O1;4S   ^[O1;5S   ^[O1;6S

F5    ^[15   ^[15;2~   ^[15;3~   ^[15;4~   ^[15;5~   ^[15;6~

F6    ^[17   ^[17;2~   ^[17;3~   ^[17;4~   ^[17;5~   ^[17;6~

F7    ^[18   ^[18;2~   ^[18;3~   ^[18;4~   ^[18;5~   ^[18;6~

F8    ^[19   ^[19;2~   ^[19;3~   ^[19;4~   ^[19;5~   ^[19;6~

F9    ^[20   ^[20;2~   ^[20;3~   ^[20;4~   ^[20;5~   ^[20;6~

F10   ^[21   ^[21;2~   ^[21;3~   ^[21;4~   ^[21;5~   ^[21;6~

F11   ^[22   ^[22;2~   ^[22;3~   ^[22;4~   ^[22;5~   ^[22;6~

F12   ^[23   ^[23;2~   ^[23;3~   ^[23;4~   ^[23;5~   ^[23;6~

Since the function 'show key' fails to read the modifier, above
strings were determined with the following function:

define trykey()
     variable ch;
     variable inpt = Null_String;

     flush("Press key");

     %   you have got less than two seconds to act

     while (input_pending (1))
         ch = getkey ();
         inpt += char(ch);

Although the keystrings are indeed received by jed, they prove
useless in 'setkey'. Is there a workaround so they can be
effectevely assigned to some function?


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