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Re: [Jed-users-l] Directory dependent settings

Peter Bengtsson <mail@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I tried but no success unfortunately.

Would you mind posting what you have in your .jedrc file?

> I tried setting a bunch of different settings in one but
> none got picked up. 
> How do I start it so that I get s *traceback* or *debug* buffer?

Was there an error message?  You might try running jed in batch mode
to make sure that what you think is being loaded really is being loaded:

  $ jed -batch ....

As far as running a debugger goes, you might try adding the code
appended below to the TOP of .jedrc file.  Then run jed via:

  $ jed -hook debug

This should pop up an additional xterm containing the debugger with a


>From there you can set break points, etc.  The variable "_line" will
print the current line:

   (sldb) p _line

I hope this helps.  --John

autoload ("sldb", "sldbsock");
define _line ()
   variable beg, end;
   push_spot ();
   push_mark ();
   bol ();
   beg = bufsubstr ();
   pop_spot ();
   push_spot ();
   push_mark ();
   eol ();
   end = bufsubstr ();
   pop_spot ();

   return strcat (beg, "^", end);

define debug (files)
   if (NULL != getenv ("DISPLAY"))
	% Here setsid (Linux only??) is used to run xterm in a
	% different session.  Later, I need to use subprocesses...
	variable pgm = path_concat (_slang_install_prefix, "share/slsh/scripts/sldb");
	pgm = sprintf ("(sleep 1; setsid xterm -e '%s' --pid %d) &", pgm, getpid ());
	() = system (pgm);
   if (length (files))
     sldb (files[0]);
     sldb ();
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