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[jed-users] Re: Using jed with par

On 2016-04-11 R. Stewart Ellis wrote:
> Why need to create a function?  I mostly use jove, even though it does
> not have much of the power if jed, because it is very easy to use shell
> commands to manipulate a buffer or region within a buffer.  In jove I
> would mark the region, go to the beginning then do
> <ESC>xfil<TAB>re<TAB><RET>par and that would invode the command
> filter-region the marked region through the shell command par and return
> the formatted text to the buffer.  I tried to do this with jed and was
> stymied by the fact that ted does not do <TAB> completion on commands,
> apropos or anything.  For doing things that are not done very often
> <TAB> completion is indispensable.  If there is a way of enabling that
> in jed it might push me over the edge to using jed more than jove.

If you want to have it on a key, then you need to have a
function for it, something like this (room for improvement):

  define par_format_paragraph ()
     variable tmpfile = make_tmp_file ("par_tmp");
     variable str = "", fp, wrap = WRAP;
     bol_skip_white ();
     ifnot (eolp ())
       backward_paragraph ();
     push_mark ();
     forward_paragraph ();
     str = bufsubstr_delete ();
     () = write_string_to_file (str, tmpfile);
     fp = popen ("cat $tmpfile | par -w$wrap"$, "r");
     str = strjoin (fgetslines (fp), "");
     () = pclose (fp);
     () = delete_file (tmpfile);
     insert (str);
What you have in Jove can be achieved with ishell from jedmodes:


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