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[jed-users] Add /lib/terminfo to the list of directories to search

Dear JED developers,

In the Debian package for JED, we are applying the patch attached to this message, which adds /lib/terminfo to the list of directories to search in atuoconf/aclocal.m4.

The configure script tries to run "ncurses5-config --terminfo", and if this does not succeed, uses a hardcoded list of terminfo directories which unfortunately does not include the directories /etc/terminfo and /lib/terminfo which are shipped in the Debian package ncurses-base. Failing to find a terminfo directory, it then concludes that the system must be using termcap and adds "-ltermcap" to the linker line which fails.

Please, consider integrating this change in the next release tarball.


Rafael Laboissière
Description: check for /lib/terminfo in addition to other directories
 The configure script tries to run "ncurses5-config --terminfo", and if
 this does not succeed, uses a hardcoded list of terminfo directories
 which unfortunately does not include the directories /etc/terminfo and
 /lib/terminfo which we ship in ncurses-base.  Failing to find a terminfo
 directory, it then concludes that the system must be using termcap and
 adds "-ltermcap" to the linker line which fails.
 To avoid this problem, add /lib/terminfo to the list of directories to
Author: Sven Joachim <svenjoac@xxxxxx>
Forwarded: no
Last-Updated: 2016-07-25


--- jed-0.99.19.orig/autoconf/aclocal.m4
+++ jed-0.99.19/autoconf/aclocal.m4
@@ -481,7 +481,8 @@ JD_Terminfo_Dirs="$MISC_TERMINFO_DIRS \
                   /usr/lib/terminfo \
                   /usr/share/terminfo \
                   /usr/share/lib/terminfo \
-		  /usr/local/lib/terminfo"
+		  /usr/local/lib/terminfo \
+		  /lib/terminfo"
 for terminfo_dir in $JD_Terminfo_Dirs

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