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Curses Development Question


I have written a "curses" application for Linux/Unix and am having 
trouble with different terminal types - particularly the BSD console 
and terminal emulators.

I am asking on this list because some of the s-lang applications 
work fine on these terminals (ie: colour support is ok, keyboard 
actions ok, in fact everything seems fine).

I have tried to read the source code for s-lang to see if I could find 
how the application writes to the screen but haven't spent enough 
time with it to comprehend.

My questions really are:

1. Is there any modern documentation to the curses library which 
discusses application programming (not just man pages)?

2. Is there any documentation on how s-lang utilises curses or how 
it goes about screen updating?

Thanks for any pointers.

Peter Campbell
Phone NZ 04 385 2230, Fax 04 385 2224.

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