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[slang-users] slang 2 snapshot 6 released


Another slang2 snapshot is available.  Most of the work that went into
this snapshot dealt with portability problems involving 64 bit systems
(both big and little endian), as wlll as OS/2 and win32 systems.

It may be downloaded from:


Thanks, --John

Changes since 2.0.0 pre-release 5

0. src/slang.h+others: I created a new typedef in slang.h representing
   array indices (SLindex_Type).  This is used in the SLang_Array_Type
   structure.  Previously the affected fields were ints.  For backward
   compatibility, SLindex_Type is defined as an int.  This change was
   made with an eye to the future when 64 bit platforms become more
   common with physical memory such that one wants to index arrays
   with more than MAX_INT elements per dimensions (the current
1. src/slarith.c: missing comma in a code block specific to 64 bit systems
   prevented compilation.
2. src/: OS/2 specific patches.
3. src/mkfiles/makefile.all: Added some ranlib commands for the mingw32,
   cygwin, and EMX compilers.
4. */mkfiles/makefile.all:  Add TOOL_PREFIX variable to support 
5. slsh/slsh.c: win32 specific changes to get path to slsh.rc via
   the GetModuleFileName function (DINO SANGOI (SANGOID at lloydadriatico, it)).
6. slsh/mkfiles/makefile.all: Corrected the values of the SLANGINC and
   SLANGLIB variables.
7. src/slstd.c: atoll intrinsic was not getting defined. (Doug Burke
   (dburke at head-cfa, cfa, harvard, edu)).
8. src/test/ Add test for atoll (Doug Burke)
9. src/slerr.c: SLang_set_error: Allow an error to be cleared but not
   changed to another value in the presence of an error.
10. src/slarray.c: Allow a 1-d integer array to always address a
    multidimensional array.  Not just "sometimes".
11. slsh/lib/ local variable a was multiply defined in
    reverse function.
12. src/slpack.c: Add support for long long and 64 bit types.  Also
    'z' specifier added as an alternative to 's'.
13. src/slstdio.c: Previously, fread(&v,Char_Type,n,fp) would 
    assign a BString_Type object to v if n>1 or Char_Type if n==1.
    Now, for consistency it returns Char_Type[n] for n > 1.  To get
    the value as a binary string, use fread_bytes.  This change is not
    backwards compatible and may break code that relies upon the old
    behavior.  See UPGRADE.txt for additional information.
14. src/slrline.c: A silly typo prevented multiple instances of
    readline objects.
15. slsh/: New intrinsic: slsh_readline.  This allows a script to get
    input from the user using the readline interface.
16. slsh/scripts/svnsh: A simple shell for interacting with an SVN
17. src/slang.h: The SLANG_MODULE macro was incorrectly defined when
    compiled with C++.
18. src/slkeymap.c: A small memory leak was found by Gilles Mazoyer
    pgid at free, fr.
19. src/slarith.c,...: Some problems were found on 64bit big-endian
    machines.  Correcting this involved adding new functions to the
    interface long and short intrinsic constants.
20. src/slang.c: Inside a finally block, loops were not working if the
    exception handler issued a break or return statement.
21. src/slrline.c: On a 64bit big-endian system a SEGV would result
    when inserting text.
22. configure: CFLAGS added to the ELF_CFLAGS variable.  LDFLAGS added
    to the ELF_LINK variable.
23. src/slposdir.c: hardlink intrinsic added.
24. src/slexcept.c: "function" field added to the exception object.
25. src/slang.c: The way line number information is stored has been
    changed.  Now it is nolonger necessary to get line number
    information by setting the _debug_info variable.  In the process I
    tried to make the error messages somewhat more useful.
26. src/slang.h: SLvsnprintf and SLsnprintf functions made public
    Previously these were _pSLvsnprinf and _pSLsnprintf. (Dino Sangoid).
27. src/slang.c, _slang.h: Bytecodes were made enums instead of
    preprocessor symbols.
28. src/slang.h: External symbols have been prefixed with SL_EXTERN to
    facilitate the construction of a slang DLL on windows.  When
    compiling against the slang DLL, be sure to define SLANG_DLL.
    (Dino Sangoid).
29. src/sllist.c: Added foreach method to lists.
30. src/slsmg.c: Experimental feature: If rendering a character string
    that contains an character sequence of the form 'ESC [ x m', or
    'ESC [ x ]', where x represents a decimal integer, then the
    current color will be switched to the value of x.  If x is omitted
    (ESC[m) then the color will be set to the color active at the time
    of the function call.
       SLsmg_set_color (1);
       SLsmg_write_string ("This is a \033[123mnew\033[m feature");
    is equivalent to:

       SLsmg_set_color (1);
       SLsmg_write_string ("This is a ");
       SLsmg_set_color (123);
       SLsmg_write_string ("new");
       SLsmg_set_color (1);
       SLsmg_write_string (" feature");
    By default, this feature is turned off but may be turned on via 
        SLsmg_embedded_escape_mode (1);

    Although this special color-changing-byte-sequence looks like an
    ANSI escape sequence, the semantics are very different.
31. doc/tm/rtl/ The "string" function was documented as
    returning an integer.  (Doug Burke)


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