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[slang-users] goto statement in slang


I am a newcomer to slang, I have number of scripts written in IDL and want to convert them into s-lang scripts to be able to use within the ISIS (Interactive Spectral Interpretation System) software.

I was wondering if there is anything like a goto statement in IDL.
I saw in the mailing archive ( that someone used something like

SLang_verror (SL_MALLOC_ERROR, "Cannot Create ARRAY for Attributes!! " ) ;
           goto attribute_error ;

     if (-1 == SLang_push_array (at, 1))
SLang_verror (SL_INTRIN_ERROR, "Cannot Push Attribute Array on Stack !! " ) ;
           goto attribute_error ;



but when i tried a similar expression i get an error telling goto is undefined.


Tolga Guver
Steward Observatory
933 N Cherry Ave., Rm. N340
Tucson AZ 85721-0065

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