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[slang-users] Re: is_defined

John E. Davis <jed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The statement first gets compiled to byte-code, and is then executed.
> The error comes during the compilation stage.


Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. What I was
trying to achieve was some nanny'ish error handling in
connection with enabling word completion from within my aspell
spell checking mode[1] on a mode-by-mode basis, configurable in
the mode hook by setting a variable there, like e.g.

  define mailedit_mode_hook ()
    Aspell_Ask_Dictionary = 1;
    Aspell_Use_Tabcompletion = 1;
    init_aspell ();

and in the function that prompts for a dictionary, e.g.

  define aspell_select_dictionary ()
     if (Aspell_Use_Tabcompletion)
      init_tabcomplete (aspell_set_tabcompletion_wordlist ());     
so whenever you're prompted for a spelling dictionary, the
"init_tabcomplete" word completion for the corresponding spell
checking language is automatically initialized. I then just
wanted to autoload the "init_tabcomplete" function for the
user, in case he forgot to autoload it in his .jedrc. or
display a meaningful error message in case the word completion
script wasn't even installed.

I have solved it by setting this globally in

   #ifnexists init_tabcomplete
   if (strlen (expand_jedlib_file ("")))
     autoload ("init_tabcomplete", "tabcomplete");

and then in the function that prompts for an aspell dictionary

   define aspell_select_dictionary ()
      variable fun = __get_reference ("init_tabcomplete");
      if (fun != NULL)
        if (Aspell_Use_Tabcompletion)
          (@fun (aspell_set_tabcompletion_wordlist));
This seems to take care of both forgetting to install the
tabcomplete script and forgetting to autoload the
"init_tabcomplete" function. The problem with the error thrown
is that it prevents loading the spell checking functions.

Thank you,

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