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Language keywords made easier


Here is a set of macros that might ease preparation and/or use
of language keyword tables. See the exmple.

There is no need to worry about the size and order of keywords when creating
a keyword list. Keywords are separated by whitespace so it is easier to spot them.
Also lists of keywords might be grouped by their type (control kwds, type kwds,
function names, constants, ...) and joined later.

Very helpful when you define syntaxes for similar languages or language variants
where some keywords are the same in all variants, but some are variant-specific.

Made for/with jed 99.16.

Marko Mahnič

--------- file: -----------------------------
% @author: Marko Mahnic  <marko.mahnic@xxxxx>
% @version: 1.0
% @created: 2004-07-29
% A set of macros to make lists of keywords for language modes more manageable.
% There is no need to worry about the size and order of keywords when creating
% a keyword list. Keywords are separated by whitespace so it is easier to spot them.
% Also lists of keywords might be grouped by their type (control kwds, type kwds,
% function names, constants, ...) and joined later with add_keywords.
% Very helpful when you define syntaxes for similar languages or language variants.
% (SQL: sql92, postgresql, mysql, oracle, mssql; some keywords are
% the same in all variants, but some are dbms-specific)
% Remark:
%   Use of this system is slower than use of define_keywords_n calls,
%   but the difference might be noticeable only when first using a
%   mode in a session.
%   You can also use write_keywords to prepare a list of define_keywords_n
%   call.
% Installation:
%   Put the file somewhere on your jed_library_path. See the example below.
% Example of use:
%   SLang mode with 2 alternative color sets.
%   Notice: keyword-set might also be extended using runhooks ("xxx_define_keyword_hook").
% ----- file: -----
%  require("keywords");
%  % size and order of keywords in a string are irrelevant
%  static variable kwds_control =
%     "if else loop do while for _for foreach using forever switch case " +
%     "orelse andelse break return continue";
%  static variable kwds_struct  = "define variable struct typedef public private static";
%  static variable kwds_logic   = "or and not xor";
%  static variable kwds_math    = "chs mod shl shr sqr mul2 sign";
%  static variable kwds_stack   = "pop exch";
%  static variable kwds_block   = "EXIT_BLOCK ERROR_BLOCK EXECUTE_ERROR_BLOCK";
%  static variable kwds_other   = "NULL __tmp";
%  define create_mode(mode)
%  {
%     variable mode;
%     !if (keywords->check_language(mode))
%     {
%        variable K;
%        % CreateSyntaxTable();
%        K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_control);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_struct);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_logic);
%        % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 0); %% User could add more keywords!
%        keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%        keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 0);
%        K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_math);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_stack);
%        if (mode == "SLANG")
%        {
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_block);
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_other);
%        }
%        % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 1);
%        keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%        keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 1);
%        if (mode == "SLANG2")
%        {
%           K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_block);
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_other);
%           % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 2);
%           keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%           keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 2);
%        }
%        keywords->add_language(mode);
%     }
%     set_mode("SLang", 2 | 8);
%     c_mode_common ();
%     use_syntax_table (mode);
%     mode_set_mode_info ("SLang", "fold_info", "%{{{\r%}}}\r\r");
%     run_mode_hooks("slang_mode_hook");
%  }
%  define slang_mode ()  { create_mode ("SLANG", 0); }
%  define slang2_mode () { create_mode ("SLANG2", 1); }


static variable languages = ".";

% Check if keywords for a language have already been defined
define check_language (langId)
   variable lng = "." + langId + ".";
   !if (is_substr (languages, lng)) return 0;
   return 1;

define add_language (langId)
   languages = languages + langId + ".";

% Extend the array A to a minimum of minsize elements
% If the array is extended, its size is a multiple of 8.
static define extend_array (A, minsize)
   variable round = 8;
   % if (_NARGS == 3) round = int( () );
   % if (round < 2) round = 2;

   variable asize = ((int(minsize) / round) + 1) * round;
   if (length(A) < asize)
      variable B, i;
      B = @Array_Type(_typeof(A), asize);

      for (i = length(A) - 1; i >= 0; i--) B[i] = A[i];
      for (i = length(A); i < asize ; i++) B[i] = "";

      return B;

   return A;

typedef struct
} _KeywordList_Type;

% Create a new structure to hold the keywords.
% The structure is an array of strings. Each string is a list of
% space delimited keywords of the same length.
define new_keyword_list ()
   variable i, a;
   a = @_KeywordList_Type;
   a.keywords = @Array_Type(String_Type, 1);

   a.keywords[0] = "";

   return a;

% Add new keywords to the corresponding lists.
% The lists are not sorted.
define add_keywords (kwdlst, strKeywords)
   variable akwd = strtok(strKeywords);
   variable n, i, s;

   n = length(akwd);
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      s = strlen(akwd[i]);
      if (s < 1) continue;
      if (s >= length(kwdlst.keywords))
         kwdlst.keywords = extend_array(kwdlst.keywords, s);

      kwdlst.keywords[s-1] = kwdlst.keywords[s-1] + " " + akwd[i];

% Sort all keyword lists.
define sort_keywords (kwdlst)
   variable i;
   for (i = length(kwdlst.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (kwdlst.keywords[i] != "")
         variable akwd = strtok(kwdlst.keywords[i]);
         variable II = array_sort(akwd);
         akwd = akwd[II];

         kwdlst.keywords[i] = strjoin(akwd, " ");

% Merge two structures into a third one and return it.
define merge_keywords (akwd, bkwd)
   variable i, mrg;
   if (length(akwd.keywords) > length(bkwd.keywords))
      mrg = akwd;
      for (i = length(bkwd.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         add_keywords(mrg, bkwd.keywords[i]);
      mrg = bkwd;
      for (i = length(akwd.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         add_keywords(mrg, akwd.keywords[i]);

   return mrg;

% Call define_keywords_n for each list in the structure.
define define_keywords (kwdlst, strTable, colorN)
   variable i;
   for (i = length(kwdlst.keywords) - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
      variable wrds = str_delete_chars(kwdlst.keywords[i], " ");
      if (wrds == "") continue;
      () = define_keywords_n (strTable, wrds, i + 1, colorN);

% insert define_keywords_n calls into buffer buf.
define write_keywords (kwdlst, strTable, colorN, buf)
   if (buf != NULL) setbuf(buf);
   !if (bolp())

   variable i;
   for (i = 0; i < length(kwdlst.keywords); i++)
      variable wrds = str_delete_chars(kwdlst.keywords[i], " ");
      if (wrds == "") continue;
      vinsert("() = define_keywords_n (\"%s\", ", strTable);
      vinsert("\"%s\"", wrds);
      vinsert(", %d, %d);\n", i + 1, colorN);

--------------- end of file --------------------

% @author: Marko Mahnic  <marko.mahnic@xxxxx>
% @version: 1.0
% @created: 2004-07-29
% A set of macros to make lists of keywords for language modes more manageable.
% There is no need to worry about the size and order of keywords when creating
% a keyword list. Keywords are separated by whitespace so it is easier to spot them.
% Also lists of keywords might be grouped by their type (control kwds, type kwds, 
% function names, constants, ...) and joined later with add_keywords.
% Very helpful when you define syntaxes for similar languages or language variants.
% (SQL: sql92, postgresql, mysql, oracle, mssql; some keywords are
% the same in all variants, but some are dbms-specific)
% Remark:
%   Use of this system is slower than use of define_keywords_n calls,
%   but the difference might be noticeable only when first using a
%   mode in a session.
%   You can also use write_keywords to prepare a list of define_keywords_n
%   call.
% Installation:
%   Put the file somewhere on your jed_library_path. See the example below.
% Example of use:
%   SLang mode with 2 alternative color sets.
%   Notice: keyword-set might also be extended using runhooks ("xxx_define_keyword_hook").
% ----- file: -----
%  require("keywords");
%  % size and order of keywords in a string are irrelevant
%  static variable kwds_control = 
%     "if else loop do while for _for foreach using forever switch case " +
%     "orelse andelse break return continue";                              
%  static variable kwds_struct  = "define variable struct typedef public private static";
%  static variable kwds_logic   = "or and not xor";                                        
%  static variable kwds_math    = "chs mod shl shr sqr mul2 sign";                         
%  static variable kwds_stack   = "pop exch";                                              
%  static variable kwds_block   = "EXIT_BLOCK ERROR_BLOCK EXECUTE_ERROR_BLOCK";            
%  static variable kwds_other   = "NULL __tmp";                                            
%  define create_mode(mode)
%  {
%     variable mode;
%     !if (keywords->check_language(mode))
%     {
%        variable K;
%        % CreateSyntaxTable();
%        K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_control);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_struct);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_logic);
%        % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 0); %% User could add more keywords!
%        keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%        keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 0);
%        K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_math);
%        keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_stack);
%        if (mode == "SLANG")
%        {
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_block);
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_other);
%        }
%        % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 1);
%        keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%        keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 1);
%        if (mode == "SLANG2")
%        {
%           K = keywords->new_keyword_list();
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_block);
%           keywords->add_keywords(K, kwds_other);
%           % runhooks("slang_define_keyword_hook", K, 2);
%           keywords->sort_keywords(K);
%           keywords->define_keywords(K, mode, 2);
%        }
%        keywords->add_language(mode);
%     }
%     set_mode("SLang", 2 | 8);
%     c_mode_common ();
%     use_syntax_table (mode);
%     mode_set_mode_info ("SLang", "fold_info", "%{{{\r%}}}\r\r");
%     run_mode_hooks("slang_mode_hook");
%  }
%  define slang_mode ()  { create_mode ("SLANG", 0); }
%  define slang2_mode () { create_mode ("SLANG2", 1); }

static variable languages = ".";

% Check if keywords for a language have already been defined
define check_language (langId)
   variable lng = "." + langId + ".";
   !if (is_substr (languages, lng)) return 0;
   return 1;

define add_language (langId)
   languages = languages + langId + ".";

% Extend the array A to a minimum of minsize elements
% If the array is extended, its size is a multiple of 8.
static define extend_array (A, minsize)
   variable round = 8;
   % if (_NARGS == 3) round = int( () );
   % if (round < 2) round = 2;
   variable asize = ((int(minsize) / round) + 1) * round;
   if (length(A) < asize)
      variable B, i;
      B = @Array_Type(_typeof(A), asize);
      for (i = length(A) - 1; i >= 0; i--) B[i] = A[i];
      for (i = length(A); i < asize ; i++) B[i] = "";
      return B;
   return A;

typedef struct
} _KeywordList_Type;

% Create a new structure to hold the keywords.
% The structure is an array of strings. Each string is a list of 
% space delimited keywords of the same length.
define new_keyword_list ()
   variable i, a;
   a = @_KeywordList_Type;
   a.keywords = @Array_Type(String_Type, 1);

   a.keywords[0] = "";
   return a;

% Add new keywords to the corresponding lists.
% The lists are not sorted.
define add_keywords (kwdlst, strKeywords)
   variable akwd = strtok(strKeywords);
   variable n, i, s;
   n = length(akwd);
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      s = strlen(akwd[i]);
      if (s < 1) continue;
      if (s >= length(kwdlst.keywords))
         kwdlst.keywords = extend_array(kwdlst.keywords, s);

      kwdlst.keywords[s-1] = kwdlst.keywords[s-1] + " " + akwd[i];

% Sort all keyword lists.
define sort_keywords (kwdlst)
   variable i;
   for (i = length(kwdlst.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (kwdlst.keywords[i] != "")
         variable akwd = strtok(kwdlst.keywords[i]);
         variable II = array_sort(akwd);
         akwd = akwd[II];
         kwdlst.keywords[i] = strjoin(akwd, " ");

% Merge two structures into a third one and return it.
define merge_keywords (akwd, bkwd)
   variable i, mrg;
   if (length(akwd.keywords) > length(bkwd.keywords))
      mrg = akwd;
      for (i = length(bkwd.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         add_keywords(mrg, bkwd.keywords[i]);
      mrg = bkwd;
      for (i = length(akwd.keywords) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         add_keywords(mrg, akwd.keywords[i]);
   return mrg;

% Call define_keywords_n for each list in the structure.
define define_keywords (kwdlst, strTable, colorN)
   variable i;
   for (i = length(kwdlst.keywords) - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
      variable wrds = str_delete_chars(kwdlst.keywords[i], " ");
      if (wrds == "") continue;
      () = define_keywords_n (strTable, wrds, i + 1, colorN);

% insert define_keywords_n calls into buffer buf.
define write_keywords (kwdlst, strTable, colorN, buf)
   if (buf != NULL) setbuf(buf);
   !if (bolp())
   variable i;
   for (i = 0; i < length(kwdlst.keywords); i++)
      variable wrds = str_delete_chars(kwdlst.keywords[i], " ");
      if (wrds == "") continue;
      vinsert("() = define_keywords_n (\"%s\", ", strTable);
      vinsert("\"%s\"", wrds);
      vinsert(", %d, %d);\n", i + 1, colorN);


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