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Re: jed, edt and keydefs

On 18.01.06, Thei Wijnen wrote:
> But the point remains that on Linux, with the
> original and, I can not bind the GOLD key to a key
> different from F1 (e.g. Key_Num_7) and then bind F1 to a different
> function. After removing the binding in it works.
> So there is a problem with overwriting keybindings on Linux, and it
> does not exist on Windows.

Did you try unsetkey() to free F1 already?

The Gold key is very hardcoded into, so on Unix, it does some tricks
I do not completely understand with get_termcap_string(t) in 

  private define application_keypad_mode (state)

What is the behaviour of the GOLD key in an "original" EDT editor (or the
one you wish to achieve)?

 * toggle the state of the keypad
 * pres together with a keypad key to get the second function
 * pres before  a keypad key to get the second function



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