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Re: [jed-users] Re: VT100 compatible terminal emulator?

On 7/26/21 10:38 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
On Mon 2021-07-26 (10:17), Roland Hughes wrote:

If you are running Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install pterm putty putty-doc putty-tools
pterm is (just) the terminal emulator!
This is what I was looking for!

But the keys NumLock / * - on the numeric keyboard does not produce any
output, which is what I need without fail for jed (edt mode).

I have tried different settings, without luck:

I don't use Pterm so I cannot tell you much. I can tell you that on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, after installing pterm, I open a regular Ubuntu terminal full screen and type

man pterm

and there are like a zillion settings you can configure.


Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

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