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Re: [jed-users] Re: VT100 compatible terminal emulator?

On 7/26/21 10:38 AM, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
On Mon 2021-07-26 (10:17), Roland Hughes wrote:

              This option should be set to either 0 or 1; the default is 0. When set to 1, it disables the normal action of the Delete (^?) character when sent from  the  server  to  the terminal,               which is to move the cursor left by one space and erase the character now under it.

              This  option  should be set to either 0 or 1; the default is 0. When set to 1, the default initial state of the cursor keys are application mode (where the keys send function-key-like               sequences instead of numbers or arrow keys). When set to 0, the default state is the normal one.

              This option should be set to either 0 or 1; the default is 0. When set to 1, the default initial state of the numeric keypad is application mode (where the keys send function-key-like               sequences instead of numbers or arrow keys). When set to 0, the default state is the normal one.

              This option should be set to either 0 or 1; the default is 0. When set to 1, the numeric keypad operates in NetHack mode. This is equivalent to the -nethack command-line option.

              This option controls the string which the terminal sends in response to receiving the ^E character (`tell me about yourself'). By default this string is `PuTTY'.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

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