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Re: [jed-users] Re: VT100 compatible terminal emulator?


* Ulli Horlacher <framstag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [26.07.21 17:54]:
> I am looking for an alternative for xterm, because its popup menu
> (Ctrl-Mousebutton) does not work any more and I cannot change the font
> (size) at runtime.

Hm, that is strange. I tried xterm on my Ubuntu 21.04
(xterm/hirsute,now 361-1ubuntu3 amd64 [installed]) with i3 as my
window manager (no wayland) an I still have Ctrl-Mousebutton with no
problems. Is there something spooky with your current setup?



 Philipp Grau               | Freie Universitaet Berlin 
 phgrau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  | Zentraleinrichtung fuer Datenverarbeitung
    We had joy, we had fun, | we had Pacman on the sun...      
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