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Re: [jed-users] wrong default when using ctrl-X ctrl-B

>I recommend that you use the bookmark functions:
>   bkmrk_set_mark
>   bkmrk_goto_mark
>that are "described" in  You will need to bind these
>functions yourself.  For example, I have them bound to `Ctrl-K m` and
>`Ctrk-K RET`, respectively.  The idea is that you set a bookmark using
>the bkmrk_set_mark function.  You will be prompted for a digit (0-9)
>to specify one of the 10 bookmarks.  Then you can return to that
>bookmark from any buffer by using the bkmrk_goto_mark function, which
>will also prompt for a digit, or a space. The space will cause you to
>return to the previous position allowing you to quickly toggle between
>two positions.  You may have to play with this to see what I mean.

Thanks for your answer, but I fear after more than 20 years of use,
Ctrl-X Ctrl-B is already hardcoded in my brain. I don't think I'll manage to
relearn other key strokes...


Bernhard Seckinger <bernhard.seckinger@xxxxxxxxxx>
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