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Re: [jed-users] wrong default when using ctrl-X ctrl-B

On 1/29/2025 1:24 AM, Bernhard Seckinger wrote:
a) It only happens when there are a lot of buffers.

You wouldn't happen to have a narrow number here would you?

Is "a lot" something like north of 255 meaning there is a wrong integer datatype problem? (Someone used an unsigned byte, tsk tsk.)

Is "a lot" something north of 127 meaning someone used an unsigned nibble, tsk tsk.

Is "a lot" simply more than fits on the configured buffer display list? I'm not in front of a computer with Jed on it now and have been working in Emacs (gasp!) for a project, but can we not configure the number of "recent files" and the number of open buffers displayed in the menus? Please forgive if I've confused with Emacs.

Just tossing out some ideas.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions
(630)-205-1593  (cell)

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