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[jed-users] Bookmarks update (was: Re: wrong default when using ctrl-X ctrl-B)

Morten Bo Johansen <mbj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Why not just also have the Bkmrk_Last_Position set in the bkmrk_set_mark()
> function, like this?
>   define bkmrk_set_mark ()
>  {
>      bkmrk_get_or_set_mark (0);
>      Bkmrk_Last_Position = create_user_mark ();
>  }
> As it is now, you have to visit a bookmark with the bkmrk_goto_mark()
> function before you may use the space. With the change above, you can set a
> bookmark, jump to another buffer and then immediately jump to and fro with
> the <key-combo> + <space>

I think that this is a good idea.  I added your change to
pre0.99.20-189 and pushed it to git://

FWIW, here is the list of changes from the past year:

181. lib/ Added "abs" to the keyword list (Klaus Alexander)
182. lib/ Added an option to display the timestamp in the
     recent file list menu item.  This can be turned off using the
     Recentx_Display_Timestamp variable
183. lib/ The target of symbolic links were getting removed
     instead of the symbolic link itself
184. Added visual wrapping of long lines.  This is distinct from
     wrapping where newline characters are added to force a line wrap.
     Visual wrapping is purely a visual effect.  See
     doc/txt/viswrap.txt for more information.
185. src/mouse.c,screen.c: Added support for visual wrapping to
     mouse-specific functions
186. src/mouse.c: The current point was being moved to the position of
     the mouse prior to the call to the mouse handlers.  This would
     sometimes incorrectly position the cursor for horizontally
     scrolled lines/windows.
187. src/{scrwrap.c,cmds.c}: Page-Down on very long lines that when
     wrapped span the entire window was not working.  Also, the
     virtual column number was not being updated when writing a
     non-ascii character
188. src/paste.c: Rewrote the delete_region function to improve its
189. lib/ When setting a bookmark, update the
     Bkmrk_Last_Position variable with the current buffer position so
     that the bkmrk_goto_mark function to return to that position using the
     space key. (Morten Bo Johansen).  Also allow the `bkmrk_set_mark`
     function to accept a space as a default bookmark.

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